2020. január 19., vasárnap

Sad day - In memoriam Wayne Chapman 1965-2020

Breaking post!

Wayne Chapman alias Andras Gaspar founder of the Ynev setting yesterday passed away.

"Never forget the wisdom that rights for both life principle and epitaph."

He was born in 1965, he has been involved with science fiction since the early eighties, editing fanzine as a high school student and translator as a college student. He wrote short stories for Galaktika magazine in 1985, and soon became a member of the editorial staff.

In 1989 he graduated as a history teacher at Eötvös Loránd University. In addition to his James Bond translations and reading editorial duties for the Galaktika, he was co-editor of Atlantisz Magazine.
In 1990 he published his novel Kiálts Farkast, then the Ezüst félhold blues and, under the pseudonym Ed Fisher, the Han Solo nomádjai. In 1991 he published his novel Halál havában co-written with Csanad Novák, under the pseudonym Wayne Chapman.

In the same year, he co-founded Valhalla Páholy, the main profile of which, until its dissolution in 2001, was the publication of science fiction and fantasy books. In the summer of 1993, Valhalla Páholy released the first major Hungarian-developed role-playing game, M.A.G.U.S.

In the mid-1990s, under the pseudonym Damien Forrestal, Aliens vs. He appeared with Predators and Doom, his most famous hero, and often referred to as Tier Nan-Gorduin, often referred to as "Ynevian James Bond".

He agreed with Delta Vision in 2007, and his work was published here as Wayne Chapman.

To remember him I will introduce the main part of his ynevian corpus.

His novels under M.A.G.U.S logo:

Gorduin sequence:

Halál Havában (In the Month of Death): Published in 1991. Tier nan Gorduin the famous bard travels with Alyr Arkhon the necromancer from Doran and a thief girl to the Cursed Lands to stop Orwella's manifestation.

Észak lángja: (Flames of North): Published in 1992. Tier nan Gordiin with his friends, mainly with Rosanna the wielder of the red flag of the adventurers helps the north to win the Flag War.

Csepp és Tenger: (Drop and Sea): Published in 1996, The black singer of legends Tier, begin their career as a comedian in Erion. He learns the tricks of survival from the great Haygar Brish, the passion and the mourning under Godora, the power of fear and doom in the alleys of Shulur.

Karnevál I-II. (Carnival I-II.), Published in 1997. The tired black singer in the Flag War seeks tranquility and forgetfulness at a carnival in Narva, but finds only dark passion, ancient secrets, and deadly danger in the walls of the city, built on a swamp.

Keleti Szél I-II. (Eastern Wind I-II.): Published in 1999 and 2006. In the year 3699 of Heavenly Light, at the threshold of the last century of the Seventh Age, the black singer in a Niareian monastery awakes from his dream of death. He hopes to take refuge and peace among the mountains of the Central Empire ... but instead becomes warfare in which many a select few of the power struggle to change the Prophecy, and thus the future.

Other Novels:

Két Hold (Two Moons): Published in 1994. The wildest mendemails of the 3696th year of Heavenly Light are about the beautiful adventurer, Lirian vil Sineas. Some believe she is already dead ... while others believe she has survived the Corlan hunt, but her days have been numbered: she has been overwhelmed by an evil spirit and leads her to monster inhabited cliffs of Ediomad, to the sure death.

Garmacor címere (Garmacor's Coat of arms): Published in 1999. Rudrig Ves Garmacor, a veteran of the Rage War, is bitterly returning from a pointless and bloody campaign in Gorik. The Earl of Count Cormasa is a valiant soldier and a loyal subject ... but a boar, who is in the wilderness of the world of the living and the dead, has a completely different look at Shadon, a city full of pain, betrayal, heresy and purification.

Garmacor Vére (Garmacor's blood): Published in 2011. Rudrig Ves Garmacor. Domvik's soldier, hero and victim of the wars fought on his behalf - the dreaded Boar, who kills others' demons with cold iron to finally reconcile his own. He has no home on the Crown City dens, no family other than two minions and a heretic confessor ... yet, at the behest of his mother, he goes home to find out why his brothers had to die.

There are several other short stories, but these are the most important writings. The reason of this post is, that I wanted to show you the nature of the ynevian adventures and to remember the writer who started the whole M.A.G.U.S. story.

With one quote, thank you for your attention:

"Beautiful, he whispered.
Indeed it is, the bard nodded. "But to be honest ..."
The elf smiled faintly.
- I was thinking of the moon.
- Or so.
- It is a delight to see the horizon appear in the azure nebula and roll over its designated path. He's never late, he never gives up, and when he leaves he always comes back, like a real friend. And everyone needs friends, right?"
In the Month of Death.

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