2020. február 2., vasárnap

Playable races of D20Ynev


In this post I show you the playable races of the basic edition of the D20Ynev. Ynev is a human focused setting, but you can find some other races in the periphery of the continent or minglinged with the humans.


In Ynev the elves are rare folks, they have two separeted nations in the north and in the south. But adventurers, merchants and other travellers can reach the human civilizitatons. In some places there are elf communes.

Elves start their career with the following  statistics modifiers and features:

Abilitiy modifier:

Dex: +2
Con: -1

They have -2 Save modifier on the Necromancy based attacks because elves are sensitive to it.


Weapon: Longsword, Longbow.

Skill: Survival.

They have a Twighlight vision.


Half-elf who has a human and an elf ancestor. They are very rare, so there is no half-elf community in Ynev.

Half-elves start their career with the following  statistics modifiers and features:

Abilitiy modifier:

Dex: +1
Con: -1

They have -1 Save modifier on the Necromancy based attacks because half-elves are sensitive to it.


Weapon: Longsword, Longbow.

Skill: Survival.

They have a Twighlight vision.


Dwarfs are more common in the continent. They have communities almost everywhere. The largest dwarf groups lives in the Northern Allianace territories, because Tarin the dwarf kingdom is there. But you can find clans, families in the city of adventurers, in Erion.

Dwarfs start their career with the following  statistics modifiers and features:

Abilitiy modifier:

Con: +1
Cha: -1

Move: 20'

+2 Save modifier on the disease and poison tests.

They have a Night vision.

Noble Orc

Noble Orcs are magically created and bred for guarding purpose. They are not common in the ynevian realms, but if a noble orc appears it is not a surprise. They are fighters, gladiators, bodyguards usually.

Noble Orcs start their career with the following  statistics modifiers and features:

Abilitiy modifier:

Str: +2
Con: +1
Cha: -2

+2 to smell based perception tests.

They have Twighlight vision.


Same as in Sword and Magic. Nations in MAGUS:

Amazons: Amazon
Kyrs, Toronians:  Imperial
Korgs: Northmen with Find Tracks skill instead of Sail.
Other nations are standard human.

Standard Human modifier: +1 Skillpoint 

Some rule explanation:

Twighlight Vision: x2 sight in starlight,moonlight,with torch and in similar condition. When this vision is on, then the character can see colors.

Night Vision: 60 feet sight in darkness, it provides only black and white image.

Thank You for your attention!



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