2021. szeptember 10., péntek

Fighter and Gladiator




HD: D10

ATT: lvl*1

Save: Fortitude: Save1, Reflex, Willpower: Save2

Weapon use: any
Armour use: any except heavy


1 Weapon specialization: +2 Damage 
2 Fighting Style
3 +1 Ability score, +1 Damage in case of CH
4 Weapon specialization: +2 Damage.
5 Fighting Style
6 Battle formation
7 Weapon specialization: +2 Damage.(from this level double specialization is available)
8 Fighting Style
9 +1 Ability score +1 Damage in case of CH
10 Weapon specialization: +2 Damage.
11 Fighting Style
12 +1 Ability score +1 Damage in case of CH

Battle formation: Over lvl6 the Fighter can use the expirience that is gained in the battlefield and the character can organize the allies into a battle formation. If the character commands up to 10 soldiers (their class does not matter), they get +1 Attack and +1 AC.  And if you use moral rules +1 moral check.

Weapon specialization can be selected only 2 times and over lvl7.

Fighting styles

The characters can learn several fighting styles. Fighters can learn in every 3rd level (2,5,8,11). Clerics, Thieves can learn at level 6. 9. and 12. Magic-Users can not learn to fight. Multiclass characters earn fighting styles based on each class. For example, Fig3/Thi3 character has 1 fighting style because of the Fig2 class, the next style will be learned on Fig5 or Thi6.

Single-Weapon style: The character can choose in every turn: +1 to attack or AC or Initiative.

Two-Weapon style:  If the character wields two-weapon the following options are available: Attack with left hand too, -3 to both attack (Dex bonus decrease the modifier).  Or the character can attack only with the right hand, in this case +2 is given to the melee AC. In the beginning of the turn the character can choose between the two usages of the style. The secondary weapon must be the same or smaller than the primary. Without this style, the combat modifier is -3/-6 (pri/sec)

Great Weapon Fighting: If the character fighting with a two-handed weapon or wield one-handed with two hands, +1 extra damage taken.

Shield+Weapon:  If shield wielded, +1 additional AC above the shield AC.

Brawling: Character can choose between lethal or nonlethal damage, and the unarmed damage is 1d6.

Mounted combat: At the beginning of the  combat character have to roll riding test against DC12. In case success the character has an advantage, +1 to attack and +1 AC. If the mount is battle mount it can attack also. If the character does not have the style in case of a successful Riding test the modifier is not applied, only the character does not fall off the horse. Spellcasters must make concentration test.

Blind-Fight: The modifiers changes to the following values: -2 to attack, -1 AC. Sight Based skill checks failed automatically. Without the style: -4 to attack, -2 AC.  Sight Based skill checks failed automatically.

Heavy Armor fight:  The character can wear Heavy Armor in combat. Note: In MAGUS the Heavy Armor master is the Knight class, so they will get the whole range of armor wearing ability, because they must have an advantage in combat against the other combat classes.



HD: D10+1

ATT: lvl*1

Save: Fortitude: Save1, Reflex, Willpower: Save2

Weapon use: any 

Armour use: any except heavy


1 Weapon specialization: +2 Damage 
2 Fighting Style
3 +1 Ability score, +1 Damage in case of CH
4 Weapon specialization: +2 Damage.
5 Fighting Style
6 Champion of the Arena
7 Weapon specialization: +2 Damage.(from this level double specialization is available)
8 Fighting Style
9 +1 Ability score +1 Damage in case of CH
10 Weapon specialization: +2 Damage.
11 Fighting Style
12 +1 Ability score +1 Damage in case of CH


 Champion of the Arena: The Gladiator can win the sympathy of the crowd and can gain potential spirit. He must make a Perform check against 12 and it needs a whole action, so this action consumes the whole first round.. Situational modifiers can be applied, for example if the crowd is hostile the mod is -4, If the roll is successful the Gladiator has +1 to the attack and +1 damage for the current contest.

The fighting styles of the main class is still available for the gladiator, but they can choose from the following styles also:

Gladiator fighting styles:

Dirty tricks: If the character makes +5/+10 manauver in order to trick the opponent (DM discretion needed) the opposite test difficulty is 1 class lower. So if originally the difficulty mod is +10 the test will be +5 and +5 became +0. Dirty trick affects only once in a combat.

Duel: Against single opponent the Gladiator has  +1 damage. If the duel is performed for a audience(20+ people) the character gets additional +1 attack (So the bonus is +1 attack and +1 damage). If the audience is a significant crowd (100+)  the Champion of Arena bonus is double.

2021. augusztus 26., csütörtök

Class design principles


 Planned Classes

Nothing special, the base classes are the following: Fighter, Gladiator, Assassin, Knight, Thief, Bard, Cleric, Paladin, Martial Artist, Swordmaster, Witch, Warlock, Firemage, Wizard. 


In this game as i mentioned earlier the starting level is the 3rd. So a new PC is not experienced.  That fits to the old M.A.G.U.S design pattern, because in that system starting PCs were professionals, but not seasoned. Below the 3rd level the characters are common soldiers, apprentices,etc.  

Lvl 4-6 for experienced adventurers, most of them finishes their adventurer life and settle, retire or undertake a peaceful duty. Mostly some local leader, a commander of city forces, master of a local mage guild, or  head of a temple, etc. Some of them touches the politics, but it is not general.

Those who continues the adventuring reach the lvl6 get the signiture feature, which rise them into the heroes. Between lvl7-9 the adventurer steps into the major league. Usually besides of the adventuring the characters get involved in the higher politics. 

The real unique heroes, demigods, immortals are starting at lvl10, between the lvl10-12 the characters are world famous or feared who are able to change  the destiny of a empire or a continent. Pontifexes, emperors, world leaders, arch mages, thief princes etc. can be in this level.





 I do not want to change this part of the game. Classes will not affect it, only the races. There is no ability requirements also.


Secondary values

I want to keep the well developed trends. Warrior classes has d10-d12 HD, Rogue/Religious% classes: d8, Magic-Users: d6.  

Saves are diverse, typically the strong and high hp characters has the better grade on the Fortitude, Rogue classes are best in Reflexes, Magic-Users are the champion of the Will saving throws. Some classes has advantage on the saves, mostly the defensive, supportive classes, like cleric, paladin. It means that they have the better grade in two or three saves.

Attack value follows the Saves, warrior classes lvl*1, Rogue/Religious classes: lvl*2/3, Magic Users: lvl*1/2.
The attack of the paladin and the assassin is still undecided. Because the paladin in the original MAGUS system starting with warrior values, but the per level increment is lower because of the religious knowledge (limited divine magic, knowledge skills). So it is a knight or fighter who uses divine magic. Assassin in d20 systems is rather rogue (lower combat values, sneak attack, etc.), but in the MAGUS system it is rather warrior with rogue skills, so I will follow this scheme. Unfortunately the MAGUS system was imba and the assassin is the most powerful (besides the wizard), because of it is full warrior. Only the skillpoints are lower than the figthers, but it has free skills in exchange, but in the other hand it has damage bonus, sneak attack, some slan psi. Assasin in MAGUS is a super agent. But in this system i would correct this imbalanced situation, so my intention is that fighter, knight, gladiator must be better warrior face to face and only the backstab and other dirty tricks will compensate the difference of the combat skills.
At the martial classes I have a dilemma also. They are in the beginning  fighters with special slan psi, that boosts their combat skills. (for example: chi fighting add some combat bonus, deadly finger: HP damage with touch, etc.) So i think i will follow the Azael example and the martial class progress will be at rogue level in combat values, but they will have martial features, like the slan psi and some daily usage feat.

AC: Some feat can modify the AC, for example the unarmored Martial Artist will get AC bonus.

Alignment: D20 and MAGUS has a simple alignment system. In MAGUS you have 2 categories: order-chaos and the life/death. There is no neutral value. In this system there is no affection of  the alignment. So I can keep the old dnd alignment system. Currently this is my viewpoint.



The following categories will be regarding the Features:

Class: The base package, these features describe the profession of the class. (weapon specialization, sneak attack, etc)

Combat: The feats that modify the combat values or grants new maneuvers in combat.

Social: Helps to the character deal with NPC-s, mostly active feats with daily usage. Eg.: Charm feature for the Bard.

Skill: Extra skill, or advantege on existing skill in order to show the class specialty.

Intrigue: I am planning an intrigue system, the characters will have some resource and they can indicate itrigue actions like scandals, spying, etc. through their contacts. It is optional, instead of this subsystem the DM can use flat bonuses.

Roleplay: Mostly titles, that helps to the NPC to judge the character in roleplay situation. Eg: Noble title for the Knight. Titles can be replaced if the current character background justify it. For example if  the Knight character is a member an order and not inherited the knight he is not a noble, so you have to add another title. 

 Not all category will be used and sometimes one category will be allocated more than one time exchange for another.

If you have any suggestion please let me know!




Contest in the Arena

     In the dark maw of the entrance through which the jadd has just left sparkling, variegated magic lights, something hidden praising the ...