2019. szeptember 29., vasárnap

Northern Alliance


“Ynev’s land has been ravaged by wars for ages; borders are erased and redrawn, legendary warriors and crowned chiefs rise to the heights of eternity, and sages find new ideas. Thirteen times the black and red flags clashed so far, bringing both embarrassment and glory to the countries under them, thirteen of Ynev's two major powers: Toron and the Northern Alliance."

After the the death of the mad mage kings the Dawa Empire fell. Smaller countries took place of the empire. First time Erigow founded by the champions of humankind. Then a warrior dinasty arrived from west and founded their kingdom. After some generation the kingdom divided into three parts: Eren, Haonwell and Gianag. They have been still strong allies until now.
Tiadlan kingdom founded by a brave wandering nation, they fought with the orc tribes for centuries, until they could consolidate their borders. Their north-eastern neighbor are horsemen of Ilanor, rulers of the Peratlon peninsula.These are the first allies of the north, since the foundation the relation is strong between the coutries.
Followers of a lesser god from the sixth age forged the Dwyll Union. They raised castles in the hillside of near the
shores of Quiron sea. Their Order of the Sunknights deffends the fortresses against Toron and the against the nomads who come sometimes from the west. 
Dwarfs of Tarin arrived last time to the continent, according to the tradition from the Beriquel island. some evil power chased away from there. They agreed with the
principalities about the underground areas and they built an empire there. The dwarves became stronger and more. They did not forget the generosity of the humans and they are in very strong alliance with them.
Because of the threat of Toron the states founded the official Northern Alkliance in 1249 and since they have been fighting against the mighty empire. 

Short description of the states:

Doran: A city state and its government is magiocracy. It founded by three wizards in order to make a excellent wizard school in 1214 before Pyarron. They teach all of the form of the high magic. 
Dwyll Union: This country is based on the worshipping of Ranil the Sun god. Ranil's knighthood is famous and feared among their enemies.
Eren: This duchy is known for their warrior culture. When the war with toron is suspended, they fight with the eastern nomads. So to war in Eren is very common.
Erigow: The richest duchy of the north. Their knight orders are famous everywhere in Ynev. It is built on Enrawell, the capital of the Kyr Empire. The country has advanced art and cultural life. 
Gianag: Another warrior folk. This country is very prospered, because war have not touched the land. They are in good relation with Dwarfs of Tarin. well
Haonwell: The smallest in the northern three (Eren, Gianag, Haonwell), almost a city state. They likes the lefs, so there is a little colony in the state. In the month of the song they hold spectacular gladiator games.
Ilanor: Nomadic horselover nation in the plain of Peratlon peninsula. The meaning of the name of the country is beautiful field.
Tarin: Subterranean land of the dwarfs. A lot of cities built in an extended tunnel system during the centuries. The small folk preserved their ancestors faith and culture and they are not fear to use it against Toron and its allies.
Tiadlan: Eastern warrior culture in the western plain of the territory of alliance. They arrived from  islands of east through a teleport gate, what opened by an unknown. They mixed their culture with the niarein and leanded the martial arts. Their martial artists and swordmasters are famous in Ynev.

Thank you! Last post about Ynev continent will be about the city of adventurers: Erion and city of Sogron: Ordan.

2019. szeptember 8., vasárnap

Toron and its vassals


Today I will introduce Toron the bad guy of the North. As in South here can be found the bipolar power relationship. The two poles are Toron in the black corner and The Northern Alliance in the red corner.

The "Northern Evil." However, it is not just people who control it, but kyres. In the fifth age (nominally), they stood alongside the Orwella's rebels, extending operations, intensifying chaos, and ultimately contributing strongly to Kyria's "downfall."
Since then, the leader of a coalition of Black Warlords, ruled by various chaos gods, chaos sects and criminal organizations, has been working to "create" a Kyria torso, making him the biggest opponent of the Northern Alliance.
But this is just an appearance. Once upon a time, on the Red Continent (Calowyn), a young but more ambitious god of the kyrks, Weila, the fortune teller, created a very secret group working on the World Age, a grandiose plan. When they reailezed, that the Red Continent not enough for their plans , they conquered North Ynev in the fifth century.
But this plan would have unleashed such enormous power, so they voluntarily ended the whole experiment and destroyed the empire that was supposed to end by the end of the world.  They sacrificed their homeland to give Ynev and the world a faint chance.Orwella was needed, because the energy released when the plan was stopped would not tear the world apart, but tear down a god.
 They have also planned the history of the coming ages to return to a more glorious Kyria after this devastating energy is gone. The Province of Toron played an important role in this, as let's not forget that not only one were member of this secret society of the Toronese Mighties, but the Mighty One that triggered the "rebellion" was even a Sign Bearer, and even other toronese wore in other ages this honorable (damn) title.

Nowaday the "average" toronese considered evil to the average northern man (even its own allies) . The reason for this is that members of "state-sponsored" witchcraft schools, assassin organizations or they can only meet unscrupulous adventurers who would only be waiting for a dagger wrapped in black silk at home. They are frightened because they are unappreciated, even though they have only one specific task: to keep Kyria's idea alive. Indirectly. They have to do so much chaos that when kyres come from their homeland again, they can accept their rule in the north.

Toron  has allies, they bear 9 black flags, 2 of them toronese bearer (Emperor and a religious leader), 1 is for High King of Abassis, 1 for High Comtur of the Brotherhood of the Sword, 1 for Witch Queen of Alidax, 1 for the Lord of Rowon, 1 for Warlord of Enosuke, 1 for Highhierarch of Ediomad, 1 for the Eastern Barbarians.


The great power of the soth shore of the Quiron sea. It is founded in 1742 an obas mercenary warleader Hiere Otlokir. The capital city is Ifin a city of half a million. It is contains six province, five has a princecaptain, the sixth is the High King itself.
The king is not relate of the founder and nowdays his position is not stable. Abassis has not succh deep religious traditions like Toron, so they have not state religion. Each princecaptain follows other gods. Abassis has not solid political state. They switches sides in the conflicts often, but because of their situation. They are in hand of Toron, because the empire can make sanction in the sea trading. But the princecaptains are usually against the High King, sometimes they act as enemy, but only in hiding.
In Ifin there is the most notorious poisonmaker sect, their warlocks and blacksmithes arewell known. The abbit, the famous light and hard metal is mined only here, in the Onpor mountains. This monopolium is the base of the power of Abassis.
The citizens are mostly assis, but erv, toronese, gorvikian colony is can be found here. At the seashore Antoh is worshipped, in the land Darton, Uwel, Dreina cult is the most followed. Prices are average. There are Thar and Ranagol sects in secret or somewhere open places. The public safety is very poor, for example because of the openly prospering sects.
In this country Fighter, Gladiator, Cleric, Paladin, Rogue, Witch, and Warlock training schools can be found.


In this area the population  is almost made up the goblins of the Gro mountains and the orcs of the Ugon mountains. The orcs are ruling the country because of their outnumbered population. It is spoken, that from their mines slave have not escaped yet alive. 
There is six known orc tribes: Blooddrinkers, Fearsomes, Watchers, Merciless, Laughs, Moonworshippers. The king come from the six tribes, then the controversary is common. Without the Brotherhood of the Sword Gro-Ugon would be the land of the eternal war.
Goblins have three tribes in the Gro mountains: Howlers, Steelhorn, Blacks. 
In both mountans there are caves and mines, where hundredthousands of slaves works, they expand the undermountain mines, raise cities and of course they perish. 
the aftergrowth come from Tiadlan and Enosuke, but Gro-Ugon likes buying slaves from the toronese slave markets.
The capital city is Reag, but except for this city there is not significant surface population, because of the cruel Hill Giants and other monsters are wandering in the area, Brotherhood of the Sword has several  little fortresses surrounded with slave markets there.
The official language is the orcish, most of the "citizens" are or orcs, goblins are in minority and the human population is about 2%. Because of the constant war, the whole population is stagnated.
The currency is only exist in Reag, in the rest of the country the barter is the way of the trade. 
Warrior, Rogue, Warlock, Shaman, Bard schools can be found.
The public safety is not a existing thing in Gro-Ugon, there is no central power who maintain the safety. They have the own tribal idols, but Orwella is worshipped in little numbers.

Other allies:

 Brotherhood of the Sword: Orwallanian knight order in Gro-Ugon, they trade with slaves and serve the dirty goals of the Witch Mistress Orwella with dirty means.

Alidax: A city state which is leaded by Witch Qeens in the south-eastern region of the Quiron see. Home of the Witchcrafting.

Rowon: A city state, what originally served Tharr with its mercenaries, but recently Darton worshippers rules it. 

Enosuke: Islands with oriental culture, similar the Japanese culture from the Earth.

Ediomad: Undermountain dungeonworld with demonic creatures the Aquirs.

Eastern Barbarians:  Classic conanlike rageful native people.

Thats all about Toron and the alliance of the black flags. Next time I will show you the Red Flag countries.

Contest in the Arena

     In the dark maw of the entrance through which the jadd has just left sparkling, variegated magic lights, something hidden praising the ...